mix up course

Mix up is exactly what it says on the tin! It's a mix up of rally, tricks, scentwork and free shaping.

Actual exercises will depend on the dogs on the course.

You and your dog are guaranteed to have fun!


Dogs have to have done puppy/starters and junior (Or equivalent) to join the course. 

  • Course duration 6 weeks

  • Each class lasts 50 minutes

  • Classes at Monkchester Community Centre

  • Only 4 dogs per class

  • Price £139

Course starts 12th April, 3.30pm

  • Classes 12th April, 10th & 31st May, 21st June, 5th & 19th July


Please ensure you read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

To book, select the course start date and time from the calendar, enter your details including payment details.

If you are unsure if the course is suitable, please email or call 07879422131